
















試想、如果將來有一天小孩長大懂事了,卻發現她所擁有的一切榮華富貴,全都源自於父親的狡詐貪污而來... 難道你希望他也跟你學著說:『我就是含著金湯匙出生,不然你要怎麼樣?





Top 10 DO’s and DON’Ts to Doing Business in Vietnam (在越南做生意"一定要"和"一定不要"的前十件事)

------------------------ Top 10 DO's (一定要的前十件事) ---------------------

1. DO handle business cards with two hands 一定要用雙手奉上名片
When presented with a business card, always receive it with both hands. Vietnamese view business cards as representation of the individual so treat the cards with some respect. Don’t stuff it hastily in your pocket. Do spend a few seconds observing the card. If you are sitting in the meeting, place the business card neatly in front of you. Respect is a big deal in Vietnam and more often, the handling of a business card is the first chance you get to show it. Try not to carry the cards loose in your pockets or allow them to become soiled. You might want to store them in a discreet card case. By the way, do remember to bring plenty of business cards along on your trip.

2. DO dress conservatively for business meetings 一定要謹慎保守地穿著參加商務會議
There is no "business casual" in Vietnam so dress conservatively. The South is a little more casual than the North. During the hot summer months, you might be able to get away with attend a meeting without a jacket. However, when it comes to first meetings or meeting with senior management, a suite is a must.

3. DO expect an element of corruption and bribes 一定要預期會有貪污索賄的情況
The Vietnamese government is actually doing a pretty good job at curbing this problem and it is definitely less prevalent now than it was 3 or 4 years ago. Some Vietnamese feel that this the way business in done in Vietnam. Some foreigners feel that this is the cost of doing business in Vietnam. However you look at it, it's still a part of doing business in Vietnam. You need to be aware of it and be prepared in advance to deal with payoffs, kickbacks, and “gifts” requests. Do keep in mind that anyone convicted of corruption can be sentenced to death or face long prison sentences.

4. DO remember that age is still highly value 一定要記得年紀仍然高度受到重視
Vietnamese show a great deal of respect to their elders. The respect is expressed through gestures such as bowing and through language such as putting certain words in front of each spoken phrase to indicate respect. All Vietnamese has to select the appropriate personal pronouns when addressing someone older.

5. DO expect the traffic to be pretty crazy 一定要預期交通狀況會讓人抓狂
If this is your first trip to Vietnam, you WILL be overwhelmed with the traffic especially when crossing the street or riding on the back of a motorbike taxi. It is best to hire a personal driver to take you around and do give yourself plenty of time to get to important meetings. Take a look at some images on Google to get an idea of the insane traffic.

6. DO be polite 一定要有禮貌
Vietnam is a polite society and they don’t tolerate rudeness well. In Vietnamese, when you want someone to do something for you, it is best to say, “If it is only convenient for you, may we stop by the market on the way to my hotel?” Most Vietnamese would be happy to comply whether it is convenient for them or not. Vietnamese often use the phrase, ‘xin phep’ meaning ‘to seek permission’ before contributing to a discussion. Therefore, when you are at a business meeting, remember to always use the phrase, ‘May I suggest something’ before presenting an idea.

7. DO bring your own interpreter to business meetings 參加商務會議一定要帶你自己的翻譯
The value of a private interpreter is not so much in doing the interpreting but also to tell you afterwards the hidden meaning behind some translated responses. No matter how well government officials or potential business partners appear to speak English, do not assume that they fully understand you or that YOU understand them. Sometimes, a “yes” may not mean “yes”. A good interpreter (a native Vietnamese) should be able to catch and point out instances where a "yes" meant "maybe" or even "no".

8. DO remember the reverse order of names 一定要記住反向方式的姓名稱呼
First and last names are said in reverse order from English. The family name always goes first, then the given name. Introductions are said in the following order: Mr. surname, middle name, given name. Since many Vietnamese share common surnames, people are addressed with Mr., Mrs. or Miss and their given name. For example, when someone is introduced as Mr. Nguyen Van Long, you should address him as Mr. Long (his first name) and not Mr. Nguyen (his last name.)

9. DO try to eat what you’re served 一定要嘗試去吃一下他人為你服務的食物
Whenever you are presented with food that is not so good (that is not good to you), never say so, be gracious, and always thank your host. If you don't have an adventurous palate, why not change your thinking from, “I am afraid to try it this new food” to “Hmm...this dish looks interesting, I am curious to see what it tastes like.”Do this and you will have a much better time. Who knows, you might even enjoy some of the food. Also, an offer of tea at a reception or business meeting is a form of hospitality and should not be refused. By the way, when dining with acquaintances or business partners, don't pick up the last piece of food on the plate. It is meant to be left on the plate. The only time you would eat the last piece of food is when someone else picked it up and put it on your plate.

10. DO expect hotels to be very clean 一定要預期旅館酒店相當乾淨
Most hotels are very clean, equipped with hot water, toiletries, and satellite TV with business channels including CNN, CNBC, and Bloomberg.

--------------------- Top 10 DONT's (一定不要的前十件事) ------------------

1. DON'T be late to business meetings 參加商務會議一定不要遲到
You may have heard that Vietnamese are casual about punctuality when meeting with friends or attending various social events. There is even a term called "gio day thung" meaning "rubber band time" that is often used as a joke among Vietnamese. However, when it comes to business meetings Vietnamese are very punctual and you’ll need to be on time--it’s a huge sign of disrespect when you are late although they might not tell it to your face.

2. DON'T talk about religion, politics, or the Vietnam War 一定不要談論有關宗教、政策或者越南戰爭
If these topics are brought up by others, resist the temptation to join in. It might be best to gently change the topic.

3. DON’T say anything to offend the Vietnamese government 一定不要提及任何得罪越南政府的言論
There may be times when foreign press (or the local press) may ask you for an interview. Foreign press representatives in Vietnam must follow strict guideline on what they can and cannot do in Vietnam. Make sure the reporter has been authorized by the Vietnamese government to interview you. During the interview, remember the adage, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

4. DON'T assume the current Vietnamese laws will not be changed 一定不要認為目前的越南法令將來不會改變
Vietnamese rules and regulations are constantly changing. Many foreign operators have said this is one of the most frustrating things about doing business in Vietnam right along with going through the slow application procedure dozens of times to get the necessary permits to operate in Vietnam.

5. DON'T expect to sleep in late 一定不要指望晚睡
Vietnamese start their day early (6 a.m.). Most merchants start wheeling their cargo around 5 a.m. Do expect the noise in the morning to be a little overwhelming for first timers.

6. DON’T expect to reach an agreement quickly 一定不要期望很快地就能達成某項協議
Most decisions are made by committee in Vietnam and negotiations can be quite lengthy.

7. DON’T touch a person's head 一定不要觸摸某人的頭部
It is very disrespectful to touch someone's head. The head is considered the sacred and only parents may touch the head of their young children.

8. DON'T accept an on-the-spot invitation to dinner at someone’s house 一定不要接收一個當場立即的邀請到某人的家中用晚餐
If you happened to stop by someone’s house near or during dinner time, more often, you will be invited to sit down for dinner. This is only a formality and the invitation should always be declined even if they repeat the offer the second time. Unless you know the family very well and it’s their third or fourth offer, you may accept but only eat a few bites—most Vietnamese only make enough food to consume at one sitting so there may not be enough to go around when there is an unexpected guest.

9. DON’T accept a compliment 一定不要接收恭維
This may sound strange but in Vietnam it is customary to deny a compliment. When you receive a compliment, be polite, smile, and play it down. For example, if someone said you're a good speaker, just reply, "Oh, I am not that good really but thanks." To get a feel for it, try offering a Vietnamese a compliment and see how to they turn it down.

10. DON'T cause someone to lose face in front of others 一定不要讓某人在其他人面前失去顏面
This is a big one. Vietnamese put a very high value in maintaining and saving face. Embarrass or insult someone in a business meeting (or in a social setting) and they will remember it for a long time. On the other hand, if you go out of your way to save face for someone, they will definitely know it and will remember your kind gesture.

10 steps to starting a business in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (summary version)

STEP 1 - Check the proposed company name. Obtain a business registration certificate from the local Business Registration Office under the Department of Planning and Investment
Time to complete: 15 days
Cost to complete: VND 200000 (official fees) or $12USD

STEP 2 - Obtain a seal-making license from the Public Security
Time to complete: 4 - 7 days
Cost to complete: no charge

STEP 3 - Make and pick up company seal
Time to complete: 7 days
Cost to complete: VND 165,000 ($10USD) for bronze seal

STEP 4 - Open a bank account
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

STEP 5 - Publish announcement in a daily newspaper
Time to complete: 7 days
Cost to complete: VND 1,026,000 ($63USD)

STEP 6 - Apply for a tax code at the Hanoi Municipal Taxation Department; pay business license tax
Time to complete: 15 days (simultaneous with previous step)
Cost to complete: VND 3,000,000 ($185USD) for business license tax

STEP 7 - Buy pre-printed VAT invoices from the Municipal Taxation Department or obtain and print self printed VAT invoices
第7步-由稅務部門 購買預先印製的增值稅專用發票,或者打印自我印刷的增值稅專用發票
Time to complete: 15 days (simultaneous with previous step)
Cost to complete: If buying the pre-printed VAT Invoices: VND 14,000 (0.90USD) per book (50 copies). If self-printed : it shall depend on the design and requirements

STEP 8 - Register with the local labor office to declare use of labor (Municipal Department for Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs).
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

STEP 9 - Register employees with the Hanoi Social Insurance Fund for the payment of health insurance and social insurance.
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

STEP 10 - Establish a trade union with the City's Trade Union
Time to complete: 15 days
Cost to complete: no charge


The following list of 10 steps to starting a business in Vietnam is from The World Bank Group as posted on doingbusiness.org.

oingbusiness.org is a site which provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 175 countries.

Among other things, they identify the bureaucratic and legal hurdles an entrepreneur must overcome to incorporate and register a new firm. A very cool site!!

I would strongly encourage you to visit http://www.doingbusiness.org/ and view all the cool stats posted on doing business in Vietnam. Please note that there might be other steps you must go through due to the constantly changing requirements in Vietnam. Also, I expect the fees associated with these steps will be increased so visit http://www.doingbusiness.org/ to check for updates or contact each agency and get the latest information yourself.

------------------Data is as of 2006 from doingbusiness.org-------------------

10 steps to starting a business in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
STEP 1 - Check the proposed company name. Obtain a business registration certificate from the local Business Registration Office under the Department of Planning and Investment
Time to complete: 15 days
Cost to complete: VND 200000 (official fees) or $12USD

Comment: Application documents should include: the application in the specific form provided by the Ministry of Planning and Investment; the Company's charter; and a list of the company's members. Having obtained the business registration certificate, the company is entitled to business operation and does not need to apply for any further permission from the local authorities.
The Business Registration Office in 2004 introduced online application assistance. Forms now can be downloadable and application can be submitted online. The Business Registry Office shall verify the application submitted online for completeness and correctness then reply via email for an appointment upon which the registrant representative should be present to submit the original application documents. The Business Registration Office then needs another 3-5 days for verification of the original application in comparison with the online submitted documents and the issuance of business registration certificate.

STEP 2 - Obtain a seal-making license from the Public Security
Time to complete: 4 - 7 days
Cost to complete: no charge

Comment: This is done at the Administrative Department for Social Order under the Municipal Police Department (the "ADSO"). The application documents include an application in the form provided by the ADSO and a notarized copy of the certificate of business registration.
Seal making is governed by Decree 58/2001/ND-CP of the Government dated 24 August 2001, which replaces Decree 62/CP of 1993. Most of business transaction documents must be signed and sealed before they are considered valid and legal. Without a seal, an enterprise cannot register with the tax department, open a bank account and apply for operating facilities and services (e.g. telephone, electricity and water supply, office leasing, etc.)
On average, two office visits were required before a company can obtain a seal.

STEP 3 - Make and pick up company seal
Time to complete: 7 days
Cost to complete: VND 165,000 ($10USD) for bronze seal

Comment: The seal must be made by the seal-making service, which is recommended by the ADSO. The original of application for making the seal and the seal-making license must be submitted to the seal maker. The seal maker takes the finished seal to the ADSO. The seal must be picked up at the ADSO together with a certificate of registration of the seal specimen issued by the ADSO.

STEP 4 - Open a bank account
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

Comment: Each bank requires different minimum deposit. For instance, Vietcombank requires the fixed amount of VND 5 million for an account in VND and USD$500 for that in USD, meanwhile Asian Commercial Bank (ACB) requires VND 1 million for a VND account and US$100 for a USD account. An application dossier to open the account includes: an application in the form provided by the bank, the company's business registration certificate, resolution of the management board on the authorized signatures and the company seal.

STEP 5 - Publish announcement in a daily newspaper
Time to complete: 7 days
Cost to complete: VND 1,026,000 ($63USD)

Comment: Cost depends on the newspaper, the page and the length of the announcement. In the case of New Hanoi, 9x4 cm, VND1,026,000 for three issues. Details to be made public: name and type of company; the number and the issuance date of the Business Registration Certificate; headquarters and business objectives; charter capital; name of the legal representative and place of business registration.

STEP 6 - Apply for a tax code at the Hanoi Municipal Taxation Department; pay business license tax
Time to complete: 15 days (simultaneous with previous step)
Cost to complete: VND 3,000,000 ($185USD) for business license tax

Comment: Required documents are: a declaration of tax registration (standard form is available); a certified business registration certificate. This procedure registers the company for all necessary taxes. After issuance of the business registration certificate, the company goes to the Hanoi Taxation Department for declaration of relevant taxes and the accounting system.
Within 15 days from the date of the receipt of the application for tax registration, the company will be issued a taxation code. Taxes and the applied accounting system connected to operations of the company (business license tax, VAT, corporate income tax, personal income tax, etc) are to be declared.
For the approval of accounting system, required documents are: an application for approval of the accounting system, a certified business registration certificate, and a C.V. of the chief accountant. The company must comply with the Ministry of Finance's regulations on accounting standards and maintaining its accounting records.
MOF allows a domestic company to incorporate the application for approval of an accounting system into the application for the tax code and for the combined application to be submitted to the provincial tax department belonging to the MOF.

STEP 7 - Buy pre-printed VAT invoices from the Municipal Taxation Department or obtain and print self printed VAT invoices
Time to complete: 15 days (simultaneous with previous step)
Cost to complete: If buying the pre-printed VAT Invoices: VND 14,000 (0.90USD) per book (50 copies). If self-printed : it shall depend on the design and requirements

Comment: Required documents are: authorization of the General Director of the company to the person who shall contact the Department to buy invoices, Application for buying pre-printed invoices (standard form available), ID card of the buying person, Business registration certificate and copy, tax registration certificate and copy.
Upon completion of the application, Tax Dept shall issue an appointment of not more than 5 later days for purchase of invoices. During this 5 days period tax officer shall pay visits to the company's office to certify the existence of the company and sign with the company a minute of certification of the company office location. First purchase is not allowed to be more than two books (100 copies).
It would take more time to have the company's invoices printed at its own requirements. It may take 7-10 days to obtain registration of self-printed invoice from the Municipal Taxation Department. Required documents are: application for registration of self-printed invoices (standard form available), model form of self-printed invoice including all statutory details, map drawing showing the location of the Company's office or copy of the lease contract, if the office property is leased, certified by ward/commune people's committee, ID card of the General Director, copy of business registration certificate, and tax registration certificate and copy.
It will take 7-15 more days to have approved invoice printed at printer authorized by the General Taxation Department of Vietnam. After having the invoice printed and before use, the Company must register the serials of the invoices with the Municipal Taxation department.
The procedure takes from 10 to 20 days.

STEP 8 - Register with the local labor office to declare use of labor (Municipal Department for Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs).
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

Comment: Can be done simultaneously with the previous step. This step must be carried out within 30 days after the company is operational. All the employees and their qualification must be registered with the labor office (in conformity with set forms). The relationship between employees and the company is regulated by the Labor Code and set forth in labor contracts. The company can recruit employees itself or hire labor service agencies to do it.

STEP 9 - Register employees with the Hanoi Social Insurance Fund for the payment of health insurance and social insurance.
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge

Comment: Can be done simultaneously with the previous step. The company must declare all the employees who engage in the labor contracts with the definite term of 3 months or more. The declaration must be in the form provided by the Hanoi Social Insurance and must include the following information: name, date of birth, salary (as stated in the labor contract), serial number of social insurance book (for employees already issued with those books), together with a certified copy of the company's business registration certificate and copy of each labor contract. The Social Insurance Office will issue an insurance registration book for each new employee (i.e. one who did not have an insurance registration book with his/her previous employer). The company is responsible to pay the social insurance and health insurance contributions for each employee directly to the Hanoi Social Insurance on a monthly or quarterly basis. A health insurance certificate will be issued in the first month of the year.
The Health insurance and social insurance funds have been merged.

STEP 10 - Establish a trade union with the City's Trade Union
Time to complete: 15 days
Cost to complete: no charge

Comment: This procedure is compulsory for every company, and must be done within 6 months after start of operation. This first trade union is provisionary, and its term of office is 1 year. Upon expiry of the aforementioned term and according as the presence of some conditions legally required, the provisional trade union unit shall be transformed into an official grassroots trade union unit. The time is not specified as it doesn't affect the operation of the company.






  • 每天起床第一件事情是開電腦、開噗浪,跟大家喊聲「早安」
  • 心情好的時候會很想要跳香蕉舞! 
  • 連「尿尿時多甩兩下」這種小事都迫不及待想上噗浪跟大家分享
  • 為了留住「香蕉人」,所以只好每天上去發無聊噗…
  • 看到電視上演了什麼誇張的事情,第一個反應是去發噗
  • 噗浪當機時,工作效率突然大增10倍!
  • 看到網路上好文章後的第一個反應是轉推到Plurk跟大家講。  
  • 在外面逛街時,眼睛卻離不開手機裡的噗浪新訊息
  • Email信箱裡面躺最多的是Plurk加好友的通知信
  • 晚上睡覺前眼睛一定盯著手機上的噗浪直到睡著…
  • 晚上睡覺前一定得發噗跟大家喊聲「晚安」或「灣安」。
  • MSN上很久沒回應的朋友,在噗浪反而很快就回了!
  • 逢人便稱噗浪好,遇到朋友就想說服他噗浪有多好玩。
  • 你的部落格已經長滿雜草了 
  • 老是懷疑同事或主管看過你的噗浪
  • 三不五時就會開噗浪網頁看有沒新訊息
  • 開噗浪比開MSN多,發噗文比聊MSN還多很多。
  • 在公共場所碰到電腦時會不小心、不自覺的打開噗浪網頁
  • 路上看到狗大便是愛心形狀的也想馬上發噗跟大家講
  • 不小心集到卡馬是「77.77」或「66.66」時會有種快升天的感覺!
  • 流連噗浪的時間比新聞網站、推文或書籤網站還多
  • 知道身邊的朋友沒聽過、沒玩過噗浪會有種莫名奇妙的優越感...
  • 路上看到大樓外牆超長的橫幅廣告會想按開來看有沒人回應。
  • 習慣性的看到路人就想亂入一起哈拉
  • 一直狂按F5更新頁面
  • 路上看到正妹會想在他身上找「追蹤Plurk」或「加為好友」按鈕
  • 卡馬(Karma)的數字看得比自己的血壓、體重跟成績單還重要
  • 部落格永遠無法寫超過140個字…(被噗浪的字數制約了)
  • 在MSN上忍不住想按「香蕉人」跳舞!
  • 比以前還習慣電視新聞上、下、左、右的跑馬燈訊息
  • 每天盯著卡馬的數字看,俗稱「卡馬恐懼症」!
  • 寫噗文的次數比寫部落格文章還多很多
  • 接到不明電話,不是先上Google查號碼,而是上噗浪問大家
  • 有秘密或八卦不是先跟好朋友講,而是跟噗浪講
  • 改HTML時會把<a href=”…”>誤寫成 http://briian.com… 這樣
  • 一到晚上12點不踩踩踩...兩下,會渾身不對勁!(俗稱踩線強迫症)
  • 為了怕對不起我的部落格的廣大宅男鄉民們;而且、今天又是一週工作的開始,所以我決定要奮發振作,趕快PO一篇文到部落格來,雖然我失業了不用去上班......




    麵包雖然不好吃、但不是有句俗諺:早起的鳥兒有蟲吃?嘿嘿,早起果然還是有好處的啦...... 我今早一共發現有:


    開MINI DAEWOO的空服長
























    突然、當下覺得每天抽的那一包 MILD SEVEN 香菸實在是太浪費了!所以就改買了越南最普遍的黑貓牌...其實,這種煙我在剛來越南的頭三年,我也都是抽這個牌子的,是後來當回了業務才改的,怕客戶不習慣!



    今早只好乖乖地多花了三千越盾,又改買回 MILD SEVEN......



    自從早上被一家公司婉拒面試之後... 我就陷入了一種近乎歇斯底里的反省情緒當中:






















    其實、開始的時候我也不是抱很大的期望... 畢竟小朋友就是小朋友嘛!

    Anyway,我還是撥了通電話給對方,正好午休時間,但是雙方在電話中很熱絡地談了近廿分鐘...... 約好等對方從台灣回來之後再約面試的時間......







    很慘吧?但是、這還不是最慘的... 最慘的是......











    二、 適用第51/2009號公告對象:包括正在越南工作及活動的下列之外國組織及個人



    三、 購置、繼承及受贈的房屋,係指:

    (一) 從事不動產經營企業執行其經權責機關核准,以市場價格出售及出租屬投資開發商業性住宅計畫,所興建的公寓房間。

    (二) 個人購買屬投資開發商業性住宅計畫興建公寓,而已依越南法律規定取得所有權狀的房間。














    (二) 獲准購買、繼承、受贈並持房屋所有權狀條件的証明文件:越南公安部出入境管理單位發給之非屬享受國際或外交禮遇的外籍人士,在越南居住12個月以上的居住許可、常住或暫居證。

    五、購置、繼承、受贈並持越南房屋所有權狀的越南外資企業及條件: 購置、繼承、受贈並持越南房屋所有權狀的越南外資企業,為正在越南營運的企業,並提出越南責機關核發期滿在12個月以上的投資執照之証明。


    (一) 購置不動產企業投資開發屬商業性住宅計畫案公寓的房間(含未來將興建的公寓),應具備:

    a) 政府權責機關有關投資開發商業性住宅計畫案核准函

    b) 政府權責機關核發之土地使用權狀、土地授受或租地合約

    c) 買賣交易房間示意圖

    d) 房間轉交筆錄及開發商公寓使用管理規定(適用於現成的公寓房間)

    (二) 購置、繼承及受贈屬個人住用商業性住宅公寓的房間,應檢具:




    (一) 第51/2009/ND-CP號公告附表一及二格式的房屋所有權及土地使用權申請書(越文及英文版)。

    (二) 房屋買賣合約、受贈或繼承文件正本。對購買越南不動產經營企業與建的公寓,其買賣合約須經政府公證處之公證,對購買或受贈的其他個人公寓房間的合約或文件,須依越南住宅法規定公證。

    (三) 經驗證之外國護照影本,及前列第三、四及五項所列相應類別文件(對未驗證護照的影本,應出示其正本核對;對外國文憑或結婚證明書,應將其越譯並取得越南公証機關之公證;凡屬前列第四及六項規範的文件,應出示其正本)。



    (一) 對依據國會第19/2008/QH12號及第51/2009/ND-CP號公告,正持有越南房屋的外籍人士,若獲得贈送或繼承其他住宅時,可選擇持有屬投資開發商業性住宅計畫案公寓的單一房間;對獲贈送或繼承其他房屋時,可將該房屋轉贈或售予獲准在越南持有房屋所權的對象。

    (二) 獲得贈送或繼承非屬投資開發商業性住宅計畫案公寓房間的越南外資企業,可將其轉贈或售予獲准在越南持有房屋所權的對象。

    (三) 本(九)項第(一)及(二)點規定的外籍人士及外資企業,於將其獲贈送或繼承房屋轉贈或出售時,不須辦理申請房屋所有權及土地使用權狀手續,且可直接或書面授權他人轉贈或售賣。外資企業及外籍人士執行本節房屋之轉贈或出售,依政府第90/2006/ND-CP號第68條規定辦理。





    據越南勞動部阮清查官文進(Nguyen Van Tien)透露,前列工作小組檢查西寧、同奈、永福及興安省僱用外籍勞工後,發現在888名應申請工作許可証的勞工中,有585人未辦理申請工作許可証手續。對僱用無工作許可証的雇主,目前施以行政之罰款,並規定應在60天的限期內補辦。