Dongsuh Furniture always strives towards the most perfect beauty. With high-class interior materials such as ITALY cowhide and more than 4 decades of experience in the Furniture industry with skilled carpentry craftsmen to meet the needs of all families. We specialize in manufacturing and supplying home furniture, living room, dining room, bedroom, with traditional craftsmanship from wood, to modern elegance with smart products, and exclusivity in The design makes us the top 3 best selling furniture brands in Korea and serves over 10 million customers every year around the world.
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回覆刪除Dongsuh Furniture always strives towards the most perfect beauty. With high-class interior materials such as ITALY cowhide and more than 4 decades of experience in the Furniture industry with skilled carpentry craftsmen to meet the needs of all families.
回覆刪除We specialize in manufacturing and supplying home furniture, living room, dining room, bedroom, with traditional craftsmanship from wood, to modern elegance with smart products, and exclusivity in The design makes us the top 3 best selling furniture brands in Korea and serves over 10 million customers every year around the world.